
Fixing Webflow errors

Webflow can be picky about how outside apps communicate with it. Fortunately, their API provides feedback so we display errors for you when they happen. Here's fixes for the most common publishing issues:

'Duplicate Sites' or 'Multiple domains' Error

If your Webflow site has two locations (eg. a custom domain plus a subdomain), Webflow can throw this error if the sites become too out of sync.

To fix this, re-publish your Webflow site to both domains from within Webflow, so they are in-sync again.

More info on how to avoid this error is in this thread.

'Field not described in schema' Error

This can happen if you've recently published changes to the structure of your Webflow site (within the last half hour). While Webflow will instantly update your site on the frontend, sometimes Webflow will take 20+ minutes updating things on the backend.

Usually, after waiting 10 minutes and trying again, this error will resolve itself!

All other errors

If the error you're seeing doesn't fall into the above buckets, it's likely an issue with aligning fields. See our guide for connecting Webflow collections.

If you're still having trouble, definitely reach out to

January 29, 2024
Published via Audienceful